Our Unit


The 15th Wing is led by the Base-Commander, Colonel Airman Bruno Beeckmans.

He is assisted in this by his command triad, which are the Corps Adjudant, Adjudant-Major Tony Peeters and the Corps Corporal, Corporal-Chef Serge Smets. A unique aspect to our unit is the presence of a second Commander, Colonel SBH Bruno Dekleermaeker. A Staff Secretariat, Deputy Officer and a Public Relations Department complete Staff 15W.

Flying Group

The Flying Group is the nerve centre of operations. The group is commanded by a "Senior Officer of Naval Personnel" (OSN). The OSN ensures that missions are carried out with maximum efficiency but without compromising flight safety, in accordance with the procedures and guidelines issued by the Staff. Under the command of the OSN we find the following sections, which are all directly related to the missions to be carried out.

20 Squadron Tactical Airlift

This squadron is one of the largest within the Belgian Air Force. The variety of uses offered by the A400M allows the 20th to work for both non-governmental organisations (humanitarian missions, technical assistance) as well as for all other services within Defence. However, the SOR (Special Ops Regiment) may be considered a privileged customer, because in addition to the daily training missions (dropping personnel and equipment), there is a close relationship between the 20th and the SOR, grown through the many joint missions in Africa.

Within the Belgian Air Force, the 20th Squadron also contributes greatly to the international image our country has in the field of humanitarian aid.

21 Squadron Strategic Airlift

This Squadron specialises in liaison flights and is equipped with 2 Dassault Falcon 7X aircraft.

The wide variety of missions makes the 21st Squadron unique within Belgian Defence. Our customers are not only Defence personnel but also members of the federal government and the royal family.

Its proximity to international organisations such as NATO and EU also makes these aircraft highly desired by top officials of both organisations.

Transport Conversion Unit

The TCU is composed of experienced crew members from both operational squadrons. Their mission is to train and evaluate all crew members. The crew members who are part of the TCU squadron also participate in day-to-day operations within the other squadrons.

Operations Management Squadron


This centre is permanently staffed by an officer and two assistants.

The main tasks of the centre are:

  • Continuous monitoring of missions.

  • Providing assistance to crews on mission as needed.

  • Taking over the duties of the Crewing Office outside duty hours.

  • Outside duty hours ensure the initial steps for bringing the Wing to war footing.


This service provides crews with all documentation and information needed to conduct flights.


The nature of missions regularly makes it necessary to stay overnight abroad. This service is responsible for canvassing and making hotel reservations.


This office handles all aspects of cargo and catering on board before the shipment is assigned to a particular aircraft and crew.


This flight collects the necessary information required to safely execute operational missions.

Maintenance Group

The maintenance group (MGp), with its 350 technicians, is by far the largest group within the Wing. This group is responsible for maintenance of the aircraft, all rolling equipment, communication and information systems, management of all warehouses and a wide range of support activities.

Despite the fact that the C-130s are no longer operational and all 8 aircraft in the A400M fleet have been delivered, the maintenance group is still in full transformation. A large part of the technicians still needs to gain the necessary experience on the aircraft, while our structures and organisation are also still under permanent adjustment.

 A400M Maintenance Squadron

The Squadron A400M (Smd A400M) is responsible for the maintenance of the A400M fleet. They ensure the readiness of the aircraft and carry out both preventive maintenance (S/C check) as well as corrective maintenance. Moreover, they do this both at our homebase and abroad. They also ensure maintenance on certain selected spare parts.

To accomplish all necessary tasks, they work in two flights and there is a close cooperation with Airbus.


Comprises all technicians working on the aircraft. Among these, there are several specialisations; the technicians working on the structure and engines (B1.1), the technicians for the electronic systems (B2), and the auxiliary technicians.


Works mainly on components. Again, working with specialities to ensure quality: ACR (Airframe Control and Repair, metalsheet work, paint, NDI), TWB (Tyres, Wheels, Brakes) and Survie (harnesses, seats etc).

Logistics & Technical Support Squadron

The Squadron Logistic & Technical Support (Smd Log&Tech Sp) maintains all ground systems, is responsible for managing all warehouses and ensures contractual support for the benefit of the entire wing. By extension, the Squadron also provides support to other (COA) units in operational missions or exercises. It comprises four flights:


Includes the Movement and Mobility Cell (MMC) and the various warehouses (A400M, CIS, Ops, Survie). The MMC is responsible for transporting material by road and air. They ensure that the material is correctly packed and labelled and prepare the corresponding transport requests. The warehouses manage all material present in the Wing.


Manages all local contracts for the benefit of the 15W's operations. These can include a wide variety of items such as, supplying aircraft fuel, putting the necessary markings on the apron or custom-made ear protection.


Is responsible for the equipment needed to support aircraft maintenance and movement. This equipment may be specific to a particular type of aircraft or used in the general support of any type present at the base. The storage and handling of compressed gases also lies within their responsibility.


Supports all Wing communication and information systems. They provide digital support for A400M (Grizzlies) and ensure the availability of communication and information systems both at home base and for the benefit of deployed detachments. Some of the personnel specialise in cryptography and therefore deal with all related issues.

Operations & Training Squadron

The Operations & Training Squadron (Smd Ops&Trg) is responsible for maintenance planning and daily monitoring of maintenance activities, directing exercises and operations, staff readiness and compliance with the regulatory framework. To accomplish these tasks, the Squadron consists of four flights:


Ensures that the air transport fleet is airworthy at all times. They provide short- and long-term maintenance planning for A400M.


Provides the link with the aircraft's manufacturer in case of technical problems where the documentation does not provide a solution. In long-term or major technical problems, they also ensure internal follow-up and direction.


Is responsible for the compliance of the group's activities with the regulatory framework, ensuring the quality of activities within the group and monitoring the qualifications of staff. They do this by organising regular audits and investigating specific and complex occurrences, among other things.


Ensures the monitoring of daily flight movements, both for the A400M and Falcon 7X fleet. They allocate parking slots to aircraft and, together with agency planning, determine which tail is suitable to carry out a mission. They are part of the WingOps (VGp), so they are also the first ones informed in case of problems.

Verdediging & Steungroep

Admin Squadron

Bureel Human Resources (Bur HR)

Bureel Training Control (BTC)


Support Squadron


Financial Support Unit. (FSU)

Flight Ops Infra



Operations & Training Squadron



Lichamelijke Opvoeding & Sport (LOS)

Sectie Bewapening

Bureel Veiligheid

Frontdesk / G4S

Brussels Military Airport

BruMil is the military airport located in Melsbroek and mainly focuses on passenger and cargo transport. The passengers are mainly Belgian military personnel transported to and from their destinations, but BruMil has also long been the regular airport for many (V)VIPs, both Belgian and foreign. Since NATO headquarters, as well as the European institutions, are located in Brussels, BruMil is the gateway to Belgium and Europe for these visitors. To ensure the necessary services, BruMil was divided into several sections:

The Staff

Is assisted by the Bureau of Coordination (BuCo-Infodesk), is responsible for the day-to-day management and coordination of the various services.

Passengers & Freight Squadron (Smd P&F)

  • The Flight Catering ensures the necessary catering support on board, as well as in the cafeteria BruMil.

  • The Flight Security secures the infrastructure and escorts passengers to and from the aircraft, they also provide security on tarmac (follow-me and escort vehicle columns to and from the aircraft). These people also do the scanning of passengers, hold luggage and hand luggage.

  • The Flight CATO covers all logistics actions in and around the aircraft.

  • The RedCap takes care of the inside and outside piloting of aircraft arriving or departing on BruMil's tarmac (Military Apron).

  • The Flight Warehouse BruMil manages fuel and catering equipment.